[Forum FAQ]Solution for Windows PowerShell console font issue when changing system locale

Issue description

After changing Windows System Locale to another country, users cannot modify Windows PowerShell console font to Lucida after modifying the font settings. There is also a potential bug report in Microsoft connect:



In most situations, this problem is caused by system locale is changed to other countries from United States, such as Chinese, French, etc. Because of this change, the code page and font of Windows PowerShell console might be changed with system locale.

For Example, if change system locale to Chinese (Simplified China), Windows PowerShell console (%systemdrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\System Tools) properties would be changed like this:


To resolve this problem, please follow the steps below:

  1. Access to the path below to find the shortcut of Windows PowerShell: %systemdrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\System Tools.
  2. Right click Windows PowerShell and choose Properties.
  3. Switch to Options, check if Current code page list there, if that it is, choose 437 (OEM-United States) and click Apply. Maybe you will encounter an Access Deniedpop-up as the following picture.  Then you need take ownership of current PowerShell File, switch to Security Tab and obtain full control permission for current User Account. Note: if Current code page was not list there, just leave alone Options settings and switch to Font Tab.
  4. Switch to Font Tab, choose the font you wished to use, click Apply.
  5. After the above settings, current Windows PowerShell console font should works as you wished.

Applies to

  • Windows PowerShell 3.0
  • Windows PowerShell 4.0
March 11th, 2015 4:43am

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